Drama in the Hamburg Ball Bath: 13 years old rescues the child (4) from drowning


Bergedorf –

This girl has become a heroine! A 13-year-old child noticed a child floating in the bottom of the Bille bath. She immediately plunged and pulled the unconscious child out of the water – with another bather, she saved the boy's life.

The accident occurred Sunday just before 1 pm. The boy was in the popular pool with his father. How the child came to the bottom of the pool is still not clear. After the 13 year old boy pulled the boy out of the water, another bather (58) joined him.

He immediately started resuscitating the boy. "After only a few pressurized mbadages, the child spit out water and regained consciousness," says fire spokesman Werner Nölken.

Four minutes after the emergency call, the firefighters were also on the spot, the rescuers took over the subsequent care of the child. Even a helicopter was ready quickly. The boy was rushed to hospital with the ambulance

  An ADAC rescue helicopter brought the ambulance

A rescue helicopter from the ADAC brought the ambulance

"The case illustrates the importance of courage and civil action.The situations are," said spokesman for the firefighters Nölken. The rescue chain worked perfectly. Through the use of bathers, the life of the child could be saved, by the emergency call with accurate location information also came the rescuers quickly to their destination.

The Reetwerder Street Ball Bath was reopened in 2005. It is particularly popular with families because of the varied swimming area.

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