Drinking coffee brings 19 positive effects on our health


English researchers spotted more than 200 studies and collected the effects of coffee on our body. One might think that the tea-drinking nation's scientists have nothing left for coffee. However, if you follow their conclusions, he should now read: Five hours of coffee!

Coffee studies are now a dozen shovel – most of the time they provide new insights into the positive effects of this stimulant. It is true that many of these studies come from the industry that is doing good business with the trade of brown bones.

In the prestigious British Medical Journal, English researchers published the results of 201 independent studies of industry funding. Coffee – Reduces Your Risk of Cancer

The Results: Coffee consumption is far more likely to be badociated with health benefits than to harm.

People who drink three to four cups of coffee a day compared to those who do not drink coffee have the greatest positive effect. Those with three to four cups were the most likely to reduce their risk for certain diseases. Linked to the risk of cancer, this means that the risk of frequent consumption of drinkers is 18% lower than that of people who drink very little. This includes some cancers, including prostate cancer, leukemia and liver cancer.

The increase in coffee consumption is badociated with a reduced risk of Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's and depression. The liver and metabolism also benefit: For example, the risk of cirrhosis of the liver is significantly lower. In addition, type 2 diabetes is less likely to affect coffee drinkers.

Coffee brings 19 beneficial effects on our health

In total, there were 19 positive effects on health. On the other hand, there were only six negative effects. According to the magazine, coffee extends life. Most importantly, the risk of cardiovascular disease, such as heart attacks and strokes, is reduced by the pleasure of coffee. And even more surprising, according to the results, coffee does not affect people with high blood pressure. They can drink coffee without hesitation. In general, coffee consumption does not seem to affect blood pressure. This has been propagated for a long time differently.

Not everyone can tolerate coffee

But not everyone can tolerate coffee because of the caffeine that it contains. This includes pregnant women. If they drink more coffee, their children usually have a lower birth weight. A cup of coffee a day is safe for pregnant women. If you want to play safety, you should drink decaffeinated coffee because the caffeine breaks the placenta. The fetus, however, can not yet break down this substance

Anyone who subjectively realizes that he does not tolerate coffee well because he has palpitations or stomachaches, should not listen to studies but give up his body and his coffee.

What makes coffee so healthy?

The British study states: "Roasted coffee is a complex mixture of over 1,000 bioactive compounds with potentially therapeutic anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anticancer effects." It does not create drugs. According to the authors of the study, among the most important active ingredients apart from caffeine are other natural chemical compounds, for example caffeic acid.

But every human being treats substances differently. This is genetically determined and also depends on the individual intestinal flora, ie the composition of the bacteria in the colon.

What happens if you drink more than three to four cups?

According to the study's authors, with more coffee, there is not much going on: "An increase in consumption to more than three cups a day was not harmful, but the Beneficial effect was less pronounced. " In this regard, three to four cups for the most part seem to be the ideal daily ration.

But who would have thought that: There are four countries in Europe that outperform Germany in terms of coffee consumption.

 Finns are at the forefront of coffee consumption. Germany ranks 5th (source: statista.com) Finns are leading in terms of coffee consumption Germany is in 5th place. (Source: statista.com)

The good old filter coffee maker is slowly but more and more moved from the kitchens. What was a few years ago domestic standard, is now replaced by machines with tampons and capsules. Not even a few put a coffee machine in the kitchen.

 Filter coffee is still the most popular among Germans (source: statista.com) Filter coffee is still the most popular among Germans. (Source: statista.com)

The Umbrella study suggests so many other positive effects of coffee on our health. There are just too many things to list here. You can read the study on the British Medical Journal's website under the title "Coffee consumption and health: a general review of meta-badyzes of multiple health outcomes."

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