Duisburg: A policeman and a suspect injured in an exchange of fire


Duisburg: policeman and suspect wounded in a shooting – SPIEGEL ONLINE

Police operation in Duisburg
Civil servant and suspect wounded in a shooting

In a police operation in the Ruhr, a rioter and an alleged rioter have been hurt. There were shots.

In Duisburg, there was a morning shootings between a police officer and an alleged rioter. The men were injured, police said. "There is no danger to their lives," said a spokeswoman.

According to investigators, the police were called to intervene in the district of Hochfeld around 8:15 due to a riot. The officials had approached the 47-year-old, then he came to the shooting between the suspect and a 29-year-old police officer.

The exact circumstances and context of the act are not yet clear. On the crime scene, the tracks would be secure and the witnesses questioned

bbr / dpa / AFP

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