Düsseldorf: Seven years old killed: The witness depicts the SEK mission – Panorama


"This morning, at a quarter past ten, we heard the emergency help in Tatütata, then we went out, and then we all had to go back to the apartment, where everything was closed. We were allowed nowhere and then we learned that there was a family quarrel. "

Siegbert Krieger experienced the drama in Düsseldorf as a local resident. A family quarrel on the phone killed a daughter of his father. The 32 year old father was alone with his daughter. When the quarrel with his wife escalated over the phone, he threatened the seven year old. The mother immediately alerted the police. A special unit submerged the man however. Prisoners could do nothing for the lifeless girl in the apartment

The tragic incident occurred in a quiet residential area. The neighbors know each other. That's why Krieger is speechless.

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