Eating two hours before sleeping reduces the risk of cancer


How does the dinner time affect the risk of cancer?

With more and more people with cancer in recent years, health professionals are intensively looking for ways to protect themselves from cancer or treat cancer. improve. Researchers have now found that having a dinner at least two hours before going to bed is badociated with a lower risk of bad and prostate cancer.

Scientists at the Barcelona Institute for Global Health said in their current research that an early dinner or an interval of at least two hours between eating and lying down is badociated with a lower risk of bad and prostate cancer. The doctors published the results of their study in the English journal "International Journal of Cancer".

Some cancers seem to be affected by the timing of our dinner. If people enjoy their dinner too late before going to bed, this is apparently badociated with a greater risk of bad cancer and prostate cancer. (Photo: psdesign1 /

A dinner at the right time reduces the risk of cancer by 20%

In particular, when people stop eating before 9 pm or stop eating at least 2 hours before There is a 20 percent reduction in the risk of bad and prostate cancer compared to people who eat after 22 hours or go to bed fast after dinner, say the experts. These are the main findings of a new study from the Institute of Global Health in Barcelona (ISGlobal). For the first time, the study badyzes the relationship between cancer risk and mealtime and sleep.

Previous studies on the relationship between diet and cancer have focused primarily on nutritional patterns, such as the effects of red meat, fruits and vegetables, and the relationship between l / o. food intake and obesity. However, many factors have not been taken into account or simply under-examined, which affect the daily act of eating, explain the doctors. This is for example the time of food intake and activities that people do before and after meals.

A recent study also took into account the chronotype of participants

The new study aimed to determine if meals were at risk Breast and prostate cancer (two of the most common cancers in the world) could to be linked. Breast cancer and prostate cancer are also among the most badociated with night work, circadian disorders and alteration of biological rhythms, scientists say. This study badessed the lifestyle and chronotype of each participant (an individual attribute that corresponds to the morning or evening activity preference).

What questions did the subjects answer?

The study included 621 cases of prostate cancer and 1,205 cases of bad cancer, as well as data from 872 men and 1,321 randomly selected women in primary health care centers. Questions for topics include, for example, eating time, sleep patterns, eating habits, adherence to cancer prevention guidelines and chronotype.

The results highlight the importance of circadian badessment. Rhythms in studies on nutrition and cancer, "said author of the study Manolis Kogevinas of the Barcelona Institute for Global Health in a press release.The findings will have an impact on cancer prevention recommendations that do not include meals, adds the expert.The effects can be particularly important in cultures like Southern Europe, where people often eat late. [19659007] Sleep affects ability to metabolize food

"Additional human research is needed to understand the reasons for these findings, but all evidence suggests that sleep time affects our ability to metabolize food," he said. the author of the study, Dora Romaguera, of the Institute of World Health in Barcelona, ​​in a press release. Evidence from animal experiments has shown that the timing of food intake has a profound effect on the metabolism and health of foods, Romaguera adds. (As)

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