Ebola virus continues to spread in Congo – neighboring countries are preparing


As reported by the World Health Organization (WHO), the deadly Ebola virus was detected within a week in 32 new patients in Congo. The neighboring countries of the Central African state are alarmed. In Uganda, 1600 badistants are now in post. The health centers vaccinated along the border, said Friday the Minister of Health Jane Ruth Aceng.

Suspected cases of Ebola have already been reported in southern Sudan, Uganda and even Yemen, the WHO continued. But in no case was it really an Ebola infection. Nearly twelve million people have already been screened for signs of Ebola at Congolese border crossings. There were 14 suspected cases, in one of which the virus had been detected.

The new diseases in Congo have been detected mainly in the city of Beni and its surroundings. There, the rebels fight, preventing the badistants from visiting the patients quickly, isolating and contacting their loved ones.

Already 180 dead in Congo

According to the Congolese Ministry of Health, between the beginning of August and the end of October, 250 people would probably have been infected and 35 others by the Ebola virus. 81 patients had survived the infection, 180 are dead. In Congo, more than 25,000 people have already received the promising experimental vaccine, including relatives of patients, their contacts and health professionals. Since the outbreak, 25 people have been infected, have treated sick and three have died, said the WHO.

In mid-October, WHO experts debated whether or not to declare an international health emergency because of the Ebola outbreak in Congo, but decided not to do so. . He was optimistic that this epidemic could be controlled in the near future, he said at that time.

The Ebola virus is one of the most dangerous pathogens in the world. During an epidemic in 2014/15, more than 11,000 people died in West Africa. Infected patients can transmit the virus through body fluids such as sweat, blood or vomit. At the same time, in addition to the vaccine, there are experimental drugs used in a recent outbreak.

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