Edeka tests reusable containers at the sausage counter – Wirtschaft


  • At Edeka, customers can choose whether they want to bring back their plastic sausage or in reusable boxes.
  • The Group tests a reusable system – if it is accepted, it will save plastic and paper in the future

The Edeka supermarket chain will test plastic boxes in the future instead of disposable packaging at the sausage counter. The Group has developed a reusable system that could be used nationwide in the future. First, in Büsum, Schleswig-Holstein, a first test: customers can buy sausages or cheese in a box, that they can return to the next purchase.

Edeka wants to avoid long-term disposable plastic or paper packaging with such a system. According to a spokesman for the group, many operators of Edeka agencies have expressed interest in the system. As they are independent, they decide if and how they want to offer reusable boxes.

Customers can still choose disposable packaging

According to the spokesperson, customers have to pay four or five euros depending on the size of the box, […] they use the container for the first time. The next time you shop, throw the box in a collection box and get a new box for free. The used cans are cleaned in the dishwasher on site. However, customers can still choose disposable packaging wherever they want it.

"Many people are wondering how to contribute to the reduction of the mountain of packaging," said Marina Beermann of the environmental organization WWF, which cooperates with Edeka. "The reusable bobbin represents a reasonable approach that makes it easy to become active oneself."

"Where there is plastic, the man will buy plastic"

The European Commission wants to ban plastic disposable products such as straws or disposable tableware. An important step in the fight against plastic waste, says researcher Georg Mehlhart.

Interview by Vivien Timmler

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