EI attacks a city in Syria with suicide bombers – nearly 200 dead


IS is largely suppressed in Syria. But that does not prevent terror. In suicide attacks and fires in the south, nearly 200 people are killed.

Nearly 200 people lost their lives in one of the bloodiest surprise attacks of the IS in the Syrian civil war. At least four suicide bombers of the Islamic State (IS) terrorist militia blew themselves up in the government-controlled city of Al-Suwaida, according to the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights on Wednesday. More than 200 people were injured in the attack. The Islamic State claimed to be attacked by its spokesman Amak on the Internet.

According to human rights activists, extremists have moved to several locations near Al-Suwaida. Supporters of the government and the IS have fought hard for hours. The official Sana news agency reported that the army had repelled the attack. She spoke of many dead and wounded, but did not mention the numbers. Governor Al-Suwaidas, Amir al-Ishi, told the Al-Ichbaria government that the city was "safe and quiet".

At least 62 civilians and 94 pro-government fighters are among the victims of death, according to human rights observers. In addition, 38 IS fighters were killed, including suicide bombers.

A suicide bomber blew himself up on the market

Sana reported that an badbadin had been detonated in a market. Security forces pursued and killed two more badbadins before detonating their explosive belts. A local resident said that there was panic among the residents of Al-Suwaida. Others have reported that explosions have rocked the entire region.

The civil war in Syria began with protests against the government in the spring of 2011. For the most part, the army and its allies re-established years of government rule in southern Syria. They are still fighting an ISI branch controlling the Jarmuk Valley at the border with the Golan Heights occupied by Israel.

EI has almost completely lost its former domination in Syria. But he is still active in some areas, especially in the east of the country of civil war. In recent months, he has repeatedly tried to take positions with surprise attacks. Observers warn that the extremists have not yet been defeated

Israel fires a Syrian fighter plane

Syrian officials say the new IS attack is a continuation of Israeli attempts to disrupt the destruction of ISIS in southern Syria. Israeli missile defense shot dead a Syrian fighter plane in the area on Tuesday. According to the Israeli army, he had entered the airspace of Israel. Sana reported that the plane had flown against the IS

 Israeli missile smuggling Patriot: Israel on Tuesday shot down a Syrian fighter plane that had gone into space Israeli air. (Source: AP / DPA / David Cohen / Flash90) Israeli Patriotic Missile Steam Trails: Israel fired a Syrian combat jet that infiltrated Israeli airspace Tuesday (source: David Cohen / Flash90 / AP According to the data from the IS, the plane crashed into the Jarmuk Valley and the terrorist militia posted images on the internet on Wednesday to show a dead pilot and wreckage. The spokesman of the Syrian army told the Russian agency Interfax that the pilot had given up the ejection seat so as not to be taken prisoner.

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