Election in Cambodia: maintain power with bans and money


Hun Sen has been in Cambodia for more than 30 years. During the election campaign, he distributed gifts. The opposition and the critical media were removed before tomorrow's elections.

By Albrecht Breitschuh, ARD-Studio Singapore

Although he did not have to worry about the outcome of the elections. Nevertheless, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen crossed the country during the election campaign. He gave himself near the people and met naturally only enthusiastic supporters. Everything was well organized, the photos were right.

Still in the vicinity of the capital Phnom Penh, Hu Sen seemed to inspire excitement in a shoe factory producing "asics" athletic shoes when he shouted, "I will do everything

". Opposition and Independent Media Eliminated

A quote that would have to be laughed if it was not so sad For over 30 years, Hun Sen, a former Khmer Rouge murderer, has ruled Cambodia. In fact, he has already done a lot to maintain his power.

He has dissolved the country's largest opposition party, the CNRP. The semi-independent newspapers such as "The Cambodia Daily" do not include appear more – allegedly due to tax debts – and several radio stations, including "Radio Free Asia", have ceased operations.Two members of the station have been imprisoned since November and their incarceration was extended shortly before the elections .

Electoral campaign with monetary gifts

The Hun Sens campaign is that of an autocrat: he distributes envelopes with money to the workers. The equivalent of five dollars for each, pregnant women earn twice as much.

Khen Srey, 27, is pregnant and in need of money. "With the equivalent of $ 170 a month, I get the minimum wage," she says. "It's very little for this job, and the cost of living is high, I want my three kids to have a better education and earn more than me and my husband, we have to work so hard."

Burden of Corruption Economy

Cambodia is still suffering the consequences of the years of civil war. It is one of the poorest countries in the world. Corruption weighs on trade, competitiveness and therefore economic development.

These are all problems that have been claimed by Prime Minister Hun Sen, according to political scientist Ou Virak. The head of government will not solve these problems, now and then put on the distribution pants. "What he's doing right now, go everywhere, shake hands, ask for selfies, and give people small cash gifts, will not work, because this little money will not solve people's problems. "

The opposition calls for a boycott

The ban on the largest opposition party, which has become particularly dangerous in regional elections, has strengthened its position, continues Mr. Virak, but Hun Sen It's not as powerful as it seems at the time. "A government that is not recognized by its own people will eventually have big problems," says Virak. At present, it is calm, after the previous year had given the big blow to the opposition. "But this calm does not reflect the mood of the people, you can dissolve a political party, but not the will of the people."

The most prominent former Cambodian is the long-term enemy Hun Sens Sam Rainsy, the boss of the CNRP banned. He called his exile compatriots in Paris to boycott Sunday's election: "Hun Sen is terrified, he's finished, he's ready for anything to cling to his power, he's flabbergasted any form of human rights He throws his opponents in jail, dissolves parties and organizes false elections, unopposed elections are irrelevant. "

If the greatest number of people did not vote, would mean that the power of Hun Sens is collapsing. It would also be in the spirit of 27-year-old textile worker Khen Srey: "He is the only person who governs this country and I can not tell them why."

Deutschlandfunk reported on this subject on July 28, 2018 at 1:30 pm.

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