Electoral Commission imposes sanctions on pro-Brexit campaigns | TIME ONLINE


The British Electoral Commission fined the official Brexit campaign for violating funding rules. The campaign "Vote Leave" led by the future Secretary of State Boris Johnson spent nearly half a million pounds (564,000 euros) more than the seven million pounds allowed before the 2016 referendum on Brexit. Moreover, his expense report was incomplete and imperfect.

The smallest pro-Brexit group BeLeave founded by student Darren Grimes, was also convicted for violating financial regulations. The cases were referred to the police to determine if "a person was guilty of offenses outside our jurisdiction," the commission said.

The commission scrutinized the expenses and campaign of Vote Leave and the smallest pro-Brexit group BeLeave said Bob Posner, director of the Commission for Finance and political regulations. Both groups worked on a common plan without formally declaring their cooperation. These are "serious violations" of Parliament's legislation on fair and transparent elections and referendums, Posner said.

BeLeave had paid more than £ 675,000 "as part of a joint plan" with Vote Leave for a digital advertising campaign, according to the Election Commission. Grimes was fined £ 20,000. Vote Leave should pay £ 61,000.

In the Brexit referendum in 2016, the British voted in favor of leaving the EU. In recent weeks, the conflict over the terms of the exit has come to the fore, the ministers have retreated. British Prime Minister Theresa May continues to seek close ties with the EU after Brexit . She wants to avoid a hard cut.

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