Electronic cigarettes can be more damaging to the heart than "normal" smoking | City Health Berlin


A study has shown that e-cigarettes containing nicotine increase blood pressure and heart rate – even longer than when smoking a conventional cigarette. The researchers believe that regular use of electronic cigarettes could cause lasting damage to the heart and circulation.

There are contradictory claims about the impact of electronic cigarettes on health. Although e-cigarettes contain nicotine, they do not contain tobacco, which is primarily responsible for carcinogenic effects. But more and more studies show that electric cigarettes are harmful to health. The badyzes have shown, among other things, that they can promote pneumonia. In all cases, users breathe a series of chemicals each turn, little is known about their effects. In addition, experts point out that nicotine in electronic cigarettes is addictive and could therefore be a gateway to smoking. Others consider the e-cigarette, however, an effective method for smoking cessation.

Study of the Effects of Electronic Cigarettes

Scientists at the Schleswig-Holstein University Hospital have found in a recent study that the systolic pressure and heart rate of electronic cigarettes using nicotine-containing liquids may increase even more than "normal" smoking. In a randomized crossover study, they compared the effects of using the electronic cigarette with those of conventional smoking. The results of the study were published in the journal Vascular Medicine .

For badysis, 15 healthy volunteers were divided into three groups, in which they smoke the smoke of a conventional cigarette or the vapor of an e-cigarette with or without inhaled Nicotine. All participants measured peripheral and central blood pressures and arterial stiffness parameters two hours after smoking or spraying.

Blood pressure and pulse increased in electronic cigarettes

Smoking was more common with cigarettes at an increase in systolic blood pressure that lasted more than 15 minutes. The consumption of electronic cigarettes also resulted in an increase in systolic blood pressure, which continued for more than 45 minutes. The nicotine-free electronic cigarette had no effect on blood pressure.

Heart rate was also increased by ingestion of nicotine: while the pulse of the conventional cigarette increased by 30 minutes, the acceleration persisted 45 minutes after inhaling the liquid from the cigarette electronic

. The results can be explained by the more efficient delivery of nicotine by electronic cigarettes. Since the increase in systolic blood pressure and heart rate attributable to temporary stiffening of the arterial walls is a potential trigger for accelerated atherosclerosis, they believe that the consumption of electronic cigarettes may be badociated with an increased risk of disease long-term cardiovascular

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