Erfurt: The neighbor pours buckets of urine on the car – celebrities, sights, television


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A dispute between neighbors over evicted garage escalations escalated on Friday night: One of the opponents poured a bucket of urine on an opponent's car.

Oliver Bosch

This act smelled of heaven: According to a police report, a man in Erfurt spilled a bucket of urine on the car of a controversial entrepreneur. Triggered by different points of view on the parking of cars.

Friday night ended a neighborhood dispute in Erfurt Andreasvorstadt extremely unattractive. During the verbal altercation, one of the participants grabbed a bucket of urine and emptied it on the car of one of his opponents

The context of conflict was obviously different on the parking of vehicles near the driveways. An enraged resident went to the drivers involved and put them to the floor. When he was no further with words, he tipped a bucket of liquid on one of the parked vehicles.

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The man empties the bucket of urine on the car – the bad smell reveals the perfidious content

The penetrating smell of the liquid quickly revealed that it was not of pure water, but rather smelly urine. The accused had a series of insults following the flow of body fluids. The Erfurt police moved in with three patrol cars because the police had initially badumed a physical conflict.

The police stated that no damage had been caused to the vehicle. The man in the late '50s is still waiting for a criminal case.

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