Eurac Research studies the best Parkinson's disease – Südtirol News


Bolzano – In order to study the processes in the nerve cells of parkinsonian patients, Eurac Research biologists and geneticists use increasingly sophisticated cell models. Currently, they are testing a new method that can more efficiently transform induced pluripotent stem cells into neurons.

These more realistic cell models allow a more accurate comparison between healthy cells and Parkinson's disease.

Induced pluripotent stem cells produced by reprogramming any body cell in the laboratory can behave like cells. from one embryo to each cell type. In Parkinson's research, these stem cells produce dopamine-producing neurons – those nerve cells in the midbrain that die in Parkinson's patients; Scientists can use these models to study the molecular mechanisms that underlie the disease.

Up to now, researchers have used two-dimensional cell cultures, but for some time they have been testing a new method. They encapsulate the induced pluripotent stem cells in a hydrogel solution and immerse them in a calcium chloride solution. In the resulting hydrogel spheres, the cells can grow in three dimensions

"The differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells into neurons is greatly facilitated by this method and the process becomes more reproducible," says Alessandra Zanon, a molecular biologist. Eurac Research. ] Studies of the first new cell cultures confirm expectations: the conversion process is faster and processes can be more clearly observed. In addition, the lifecycle of cell cultures was extended to nearly 200 days, compared to 50 days in 2D culture.

"This allows us to better compare cell lines and healthy cells, detect differences and find out more. ", says Peter Pramstaller, director of the Institute of Biomedicine at Eurac Research.

By: axa

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