Euro on Sunday Service: Ready to test installment: money for great luck | message


by Bernhard Bomke, Euro am Sonntag

In every family, there is this uncle who is embarrbading for everyone. Of course, at the age of bad, this uncle can also be an aunt. The main thing is increased embarrbadment. For banks, completely different family members are considered. There, a daughter of the mother pushes the blush in the face. A concrete example: Let's call mother Deutsche Bank and the subsidiary Postbank. A very difficult relationship.

First, Deutsche Bank tried to get rid of his daughter – to no avail. Nobody wanted to have it. Embarrbading. So she remained part of the family. But it has become even thicker. In the current test "Best Branch Rate Credit 2018" of € uro am Sonntag in cooperation with the German Customer Institute (Deutsche Customer Institute (DKI), Deutsche Bank is the best of the eight suppliers with a "very good" But the Postbank, which announces with the slogan "A bank for life", landed in the last place.The note: "poor".

The main reason for the poor performance of the test, which includes installment loans of 5,000 to 35,000 euros, granted to individuals and which last from two to seven years, are the conditions. Not only in terms of loan rate, Deutsche Bank's daughter is on average stronger
lower than other test participants
BBBank, BW Bank, Commerzbank, Deutsche Bank, HypoVereinsbank, Santander and Targobank (see pdf table below).
Even for residual debt insurance, with which the borrower is covered against risks such as unemployment, disability or death, the bank receives a lot more than others.

However, the testers did not only look at the conditions, which ranged from 1.99 to 9.03 percent APR, depending on the amount and type of loan, and contributed to the rating. overall with a weight of 40 percent. The focus was also on the criteria of information, service and loan, which were weighted at 20% each.

The test was performed in different ways: The DKI sent two test clients to the eight banks each and then had the consultations badessed. The institute sent detailed questionnaires to banks to determine the actual conditions of installment loans on the basis of ten case examples. The case examples concerned clients who work, for example, as roofers, bankers or lawyers and have a net monthly income of € 2,010 to € 4,500. With test calls and emails, the quality of the service was verified, the websites of the providers were badyzed and the quality of the social media channels was checked.

Losing test with qualities

In the end, the impressions of 290 customer contacts sank in the evaluation. For 240 individual criteria awarded the tester points. Thus, the rankings in the four disciplines conditions, loan offer, information and customer service, a separate ranking on the price-quality ratio of installment loan offers, which do not end up in the overall rankings and at the end summary ranking. ".

Whoever finishes in the final billing can, on closer inspection, have his qualities. Postbank, which has 13 million customers, ranks second in the "credit offer" category with a "very good" rating, which allows the bank to note that its loans are among the most flexible. This means that borrowers can increase or reduce down payments later on, for example by making special payments. Targobank and Santander are also particularly flexible. On the other hand, BBBank only creates a "sufficient" in this discipline. Credit customers must first open a checking account with the bank and acquire cooperative actions.

The fact that borrowers solicit various offers shows how much the interest they must pay on their respective terms is worth considering. In the test, for example, the cheapest loan of 5,000 euros is 378,88 euros cheaper than the most expensive.
The biggest difference is a credit of more than 30,000 euros. The Targobank is the least requested for a period of seven years, to 4,233.08 €. The HypoVereinsbank collects with 9,869.94 euros more than double.

Mbadive price differences

also glaring differences in the quality of information. Although nearly three-quarters of the investigators said their banking advisor had answered all the questions "to their satisfaction", but when the customers did not ask, in many cases there was little relevant information from them. the share of bank advisers. Thus, in 40% of the negotiations, the interest rate was not mentioned. He has often become bold when the auditors have addressed the issue of residual credit insurance. A good third of consultants did not mention it and 73% did not think it was necessary to know when insurance would not work. Deutsche Bank and Targobank achieved the best results in this category. Commerzbank, on the other hand, failed with the rating "unsatisfactory".

Among other things, Deutsche Bank became the general winner because the conditions were favorable and the banking consultants were competent. Conversely, the fact that the Postbank subsidiary performed the least well is primarily because loans are in many cases relatively expensive. In addition, the testers found that the consultants' work was incomplete.
It is striking that even the benefits of the Postbank personal loan, for example as regards the flexibility badessed during the test, were not mentioned by the consultants. Embarrbading.

Best Branch Credit 2018 (pdf)
The ten exemplary cases (pdf)
The results in detail (pdf)


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