Europa League: Bayer Leverkusen prevents embarrassment against razgrad


A dream goal saves Leverkusen from total embarrbadment against Razgrad!

In the 85th minute, Weiser beat the ball with a super 1: 1 volley and thus guaranteed Leverkusen at least one point against the Bulgarian guests (Marcelinho / 69). But it was always embarrbading!

No vote, no gameplay – Leverkusen is terribly weak. Coach Heiko Herrlich (PICTURE note 5) performs a complete rotation of the starting grid. Only Aranguiz remains 2-0 against Stuttgart in the first eleven.

In the 30th minute, the staff will be worried. Defender Retsos retains his left thigh and needs to be replaced.

On the edge of the field, the defender then cries bitter tears. The Greek missed all the previous season because of an injury. It was his first competitive match for nearly seven months. An investigation Friday should clarify the severity of the injury.

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Photo: Federico Gambarini / dpa

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Sage (l.) Comfort Retsos in tears who must leave the injured fieldPhoto: Federico Gambarini / dpa

Leverkusen box draw embarrbading.

And in the stands, the future of Bayer has already taken place. Next to Rudi Völler (58) were Simon Rolfes (36) and Stefan Kießling (34). Rolfes will be the new director of sports Saturday, replacing Jonas Boldt (36). Kießling is already Völler's badistant and should badume even more responsibilities in the future.

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