European Commission: Acquisition of GitHub approved by Microsoft


Microsoft has received the green light from the European Commission to take over the GitHub software development platform. Antitrust supervisory bodies in Brussels see no loss of competition and approved the merger Friday without conditions. The Commission also decided that Microsoft would not be encouraged to change the open nature of the GitHub platform.

The acquisition concerns the software company of Redmond for a total amount of 7.5 billion dollars, about 6.4 billion euros.

GitHub is an open platform where more than 1.8 million companies and development teams have worked on joint projects. Users include heavyweights such as Google, SAP and IBM.

Above all, Microsoft boss Satya Nadella was credited with convincing the developer community of the takeover. Its predecessor, Steve Ballmer, commented on open source software always critical. Developers were concerned that the acquisition of GitHub would jeopardize the independence of the development platform and increase marketing. Microsoft has denied this and announced that it would only alter the GitHub cloud previously composed of Amazon AWS, Google Cloud Platform and bare metal systems, it was advantageous for customers and users .

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