Europeans see the past rosier than the present – dpa


groundütersloh (dpa) – Two thirds of Europeans see the past after a more positive survey than the present and are skeptical of current issues such as immigration and membership in the EU. ; EU.

This is the result of a representative survey of 10,885 European citizens in Germany, France, Spain, Italy and Poland, published by Bertelsmann Stiftung in Gütersloh on Monday. According to the survey, 67% of Europeans are nostalgic, 61% in Germany.

Nostalgia is also an indication of a high degree of uncertainty in society, said Isabell Hoffmann, co-author of the study. Populists sometimes cleverly use references to the "good old days" to fuel the fear of the future.

The nostalgic are generally clearly opposed to immigration: about 78% of this group believe that immigrants do not want to integrate in society – 63% of "non-nostalgic" Europeans are in agreement. And 53% of nostalgic people think that immigrants take jobs from locals – "only" 30% of non-nostalgic respondents think so. Another result: among the nostalgic, 67% want their country to stay in the EU, compared to 82% among non-nostalgic people who are in favor of the EU.

In the self-evaluation, 53% of the nostalgic see themselves politically rather to the right of the political center. The opposite is the case for the other group, which has a 58% chance of being further left of the center. According to the survey, it is not surprising that younger people are much less sensitive to "goodbye singing" than older people. Women see the past a little more rarely (47%) through pink glbades than men (53).

A "poor in age" vision is human, but the exploitation of fears and uncertainties by political parties is a "neglect," said Foundation President Aart De Geus. With the survey "eupinions" – developed with the pollsters of Dalia Research – the foundation regularly surveys the attitude of EU citizens on specific political issues.

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