Evacuation to Sonnenberg due to a suspicious object


Parts of downtown Sonneberg in southern Thuringia were expelled because of a suspicious object. A Bavarian woman had parked her car in front of the police station on Monday afternoon and reported police officers of an unknown subject at the bottom of the car, police said. The woman had expressed the suspicion that it could be explosives. The police are taking the case seriously, they said. As a result, the buildings were evacuated within a radius of about 100 meters. First of all, the portal had reported "inSüdthüringen.de".

About 50 people are affected. These are mainly employees of the surrounding shops. In the custody, the police at the back of the building safely, said a spokesman for the police. State Bureau Specialists Criminal Investigations investigated the details after the car late afternoon. The suspect object must be removed and X-rayed. The details were not known at the beginning.

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