Ex-Cricket Player Imran Khan Wins Pakistan General Election | TIME ONLINE


Islamabad (dpa) – The ex-cricketer Imran Khan is the winner of the election

in Pakistan after getting almost all the votes.

Thus, Khan's Justice Movement (PTI) won 115 of the 272 constituencies, as announced by the electoral commission this Friday after the poll of 96% of the votes.

The former Pakistani Muslim League (PML-N) party, which claims to have won 62 constituencies, was fired. The Pakistan People's Party (PPP) finished third with 43 constituencies. According to the electoral commission, the turnout was about 52%.

Khan was already declared the winner on Thursday. However, his ITP did not get the votes required for a parliamentary majority – and will therefore need a coalition partner and independent candidates to form a government.

The Electoral Commission published the results exceptionally late. This has led to new claims of manipulation. The established parties PML-N and PPP, as well as smaller parties, had already complained of flagrant irregularities on election night and had initially refused to acknowledge the election results. Maulana Fazlur Rehman, an influential religious and leader of an alliance of Islamic parties, called for new elections. Always Friday, the continuation of the proceedings should be discussed.

Former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif of the PML-N said that "Dawn" – the country's largest English-language newspaper – said the elections had been "stolen". Addressing visitors to Adiyala Prison, where he is serving a ten-year prison sentence for corruption, he warned that the "corrupt and dubious" results of the election would have a negative impact on the policies of the country.

The Electoral Commission rejected the allegations of manipulation. The delay in the results was due to a software error. However, the PPP officials raised new charges on Friday. They published on Twitter an electoral list, which must show that 12,000 votes were declared invalid and that the seat went to the PTI with only 1,000 votes in advance.

According to the account, out of nearly 200 radical Islam candidates, most of whom had been elected for the first time, no one could win a seat in the National Assembly. However, according to badysts, their participation has cost in several constituencies, especially the PML-N seats. In Pakistan is elected by a majority of votes. Whoever gets the highest score in any of the constituencies wins the seat, the votes of the losers expire.

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