Expert in body language: here's how Meghan changed in 2018


Development of madness with Duchess Meghan (37)! About two years ago, it was announced that the American actress and Prince Harry (34) were forming a couple. Since then, a lot has happened in the life of this 37 year old woman: she had to get used to new conventions, she also married the husband of her dreams and now awaits her first child together. An expert says now: Meghan has changed completely since then!

According to body language expert Judi James, Meghan was one of the first to begin the relationship: loving the new man by her side. Subordinate Meghan, almost childish, behaved in the first few months in the royal environment. But today, there is nothing to see. Confident, she shows herself to the public. "Her body language as a public speaker works because she obviously believes in her own message and communicates it with pbadion.", says the expert in an interview with the British online edition of the Daily mail,

But it's not just the self-confidence and personal conviction that makes the duchess after a year in the UK. "Another aspect of Meghan that is progressively evolving is its ability to create true bonds of compbadion"Judi continues. The beautiful brunette only had twelve months to get through this development – and shows how much you can do in such a short time!

Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan in SusbadDutch Press Photo / WENN.comPhotos Gallery button
Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan in Susbad
Duchess Meghan in front of Hubb Community KitchenJohn Rainford / IF

Duchess Meghan in front of Hubb Community Kitchen
Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry in New ZealandGetty Images

Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry in New Zealand

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