Family drama at the Möhnesee: the father jumps with his daughter (11) from the Sperrmauer region


Family drama on the Möhnesee: the father jumps with his daughter (11) from the barrier wall

  40 meters, father and daughter fell on Möhnesee in the depths. (Archive image)

40 meters, father and daughter fell on Möhnesee in the depths. (Archive image)

Photography: Hans Blossey

Möhnesee. Tragic incident in Soest district: The fall of the Möhnesees barrier could have been a disaster. In fact, a father of Hamm (43) wanted to commit suicide as well as his daughter (11 years old). Police and prosecutors said Sunday.

The 43-year-old man died while diving into the depths. His daughter was seriously injured in a special clinic

Witnesses observed the fall of Möhnesee

Witnesses observed Saturday night that two people had stranded about 40 meters into the depths of the dam reservoir

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Mother introduces herself to the police [19659019] Later that night, the mother called the police and said that her divorced husband had picked up his daughter to spend the day with her. The 43-year-old man then told him via an internet service that he wanted to commit suicide.

Public prosecutor opens investigation

When the mother calls the police, the threat of security forces representation is already a sad certainty. Prosecutor Arnsberg opened an investigation into the death. (js with dpa)

>> Editor's Note <<

Z For the protection of affected families we do not usually report suicide or attempted suicide unless To be particularly attentive to the circumstances. The subject is now publicly discussed, so we decided to cover it in this particular case.

Anyone who suffers from mood swings, depression or suicidal thoughts or knows someone who suffers from it can ask for help over the phone. He can be reached at 0800 / 111-0-111 and 0800 / 111-0-222 or on the Internet at The consultation is anonymous and free, calls are not noted on the phone bill.

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