Fatal accident in Gaggenau: a car captures a grandma with a baby on a bridge, a driver escapes



Accident With Death A car captures a grandmother with a baby on a sidewalk, a driver escapes

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  Green traces mark the police after a traffic accident   Police trace traces with green marks after a traffic accident

19659009] Source: dpa / Benedikt Spether

She wants to go for a walk with her seven-month-old grandson, but a car gets off the road and both stops. The 54 year old and the baby die, the driver escapes. A trail leads to a suspect who denies the act.

E in motorists crushed a grandmother and grandson in a residential area of ​​the city of Gaggenau Baden and left the dying helpless. The 54-year-old boy and the seven-month-old boy died after the collision. Police found a suspect, but initially denied a stake, as announced police and prosecutors. The 47-year-old man was arrested but was released Friday night.

According to investigators, the driver of the car drove his car to the residential area near the Murg River on Friday night. Of unknown origin, he came to the right of the road. On the sidewalk parallel to the road, he caught the woman and her grandson, who was probably in the stroller, according to the police. The 54-year-old man died on the way to the hospital. A rescue helicopter took the child to a clinic with life-threatening injuries, where he also died early Saturday morning.

Instead of helping the victims, the driver had fled the city center after the accident. Investigators had found the license plate of the alleged car accident at the scene. In the evening, the police located the 47-year-old man with a friend in the Gaggenau area. Officials also found a badly damaged car, which is believed to belong to the man

Blood samples should clarify

The alleged driver claims, according to police, participation in the accident. Now the blood tests show he was drunk or he had taken drugs. Traffic and criminal police experts and an expert worked Saturday to reconstruct the accident.

Gaggenau is a small town of about 30 000 inhabitants located near Baden-Baden. Every year, thousands of road accidents occur in Germany. Last year, according to the Federal Statistical Office, there were 457,354 serious accidents involving drivers of injured cars and trucks. In 20,528 cases, the drivers fled the scene of the accident. 68 of them were involved even after fatal accidents. In Baden-Württemberg, there were 8 raids on people killed.

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