FDP, Left and Greens continue funding party to Constitutional Court


25 million euros more per year for parties: this was decided by the Great Coalition in mid-June. The opposition has accused the leaders of the CDU, the CSU and the SPD of simply wanting to make up for their financial losses with the help of the Treasury – and anger continues to circulate.

The FDP, the Left and the Greens now want an increase in party funding. Have the Federal Constitutional Court checked. The three parliamentary groups jointly announced an action for judicial review in Karlsruhe. The opposition had qualified the increase from a total of 165 to 190 million euros a year as being too hasty from 2019. money from membership dues, donations, self-generated income and from the state. Grants from taxpayers' money depend on election results in federal and state governments and account for about one-third of revenue. First and foremost, the SPD must save. Even by the decided increase all the party's financial problems do not install according to its own data.

Lindner accuses the self-service government

First only green and left announced, consider a standard control complaint against the increase of Hauruckverfahren. They doubted that the Great Coalition justified the additional funds to the extent required by the Constitutional Court.

However, as a quarter of deputies needed judicial control, the Left and the Greens could not have done it alone. In the Bundestag on Thursday, the three Directors General of Parliament, Marco Buschmann (FDP), Jan Korte (left) and Britta Hbadelmann (Greens), met on Thursday

the leader of the FDP and leader of the group, Christian Lindner. The debate on the budget in the Bundestag before: "As long as you have no desire to relieve the citizens, as long as it is a proof of lack of sensitivity, if the policy is self-employed -Powered. "

AFD also announced Thursday a press conference a lawsuit against party financing. As the group alone does not have more than a quarter of the seats, it is seized of an organic dispute before the Federal Constitutional Court.

The coalition justified the increase, among others, of the challenges of digitization. Communication. 24 hours a day, citizens were waiting for an answer in forums and social networks. Data protection in the network would be harder, hackers should be pushed back. New forms of participation such as party polls are expensive.

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