Federal Government – Ukraine must stay gas transit country


Berlin (Reuters) – According to the German government, the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project across the Baltic Sea should not jeopardize the status of Ukraine as a transit country for Russian gas deliveries to l & # 39; Europe. "first and foremost a project of the economy". However, it has a political component with regard to any impact on the Ukraine transit country. Germany is striving with other EU countries to shape these effects for Ukraine so that they do not cause much harm to the country. # 39; Ukraine. " For the German government, "Ukraine must continue to be a transit country for Russian gas to some extent."

The issue of Nord Stream 2 could play a role in the talks between US President Donald Trump and his Russian counterpart play. Trump rejects the project. Putin has therefore accused him of doing so mainly for economic reasons, because he wants to sell European liquefied natural gas (LNG) to Europeans.

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