Filderstadt: Twins fall out of windows and hurt themselves heavily


Two little children play at a window. Shortly after, they fall to about four meters in the depths. Rescue helicopters start

A couple of twins fell from a window of about four meters when he was playing at Filderstadt (Esslingen district). The 20-month-old children were transported to the hospital seriously injured on Saturday with rescue helicopters. Third party debt excludes the police according to initial findings. At first, a police spokesman could not tell where the parents were at the time of the fall. The bad of the children does not mean to the investigators to protect the family.

A witness noticed the accident. Police and ambulance arrived with several vehicles and emergency doctors at the family home. The criminal police are now trying to determine the context. For example, we do not know who opened the window. "We are baduming a tragic accident," said another police spokesman. Until now, there is no investigation against parents for a possible breach of duty of supervision.

In the video: "Do not worry anymore": Cave boys are the first to talk to their rescuers

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