First Advent: Where does the name Advent come from? |


December 2, 2018 is the first advent. But what exactly do Christians celebrate? We answer the most important questions.

What does the first advent mean and why do we celebrate it?

"Advent, Advent a little light burns": The first advent initiate the pre-Christmas period. However, it does not fall on the same date every year.

Where does the name come from, how long does it last? Advent and what are we really celebrating? We answer the most important questions.

When is the first advent?

The rule of thumb is this: the first advent always takes place on the first Sunday after November 26th. This means for the year 2018 that the beginning of the Christmas season on Sunday December 2, falls.

Where does the name Advent come from?

The word Advent is derived from the Latin word "Adventus" (Arrival), which means the coming of the Lord. As of this date, Christianity is preparing for the feast of the birth of Jesus Christ, which they celebrate as the incarnation of God – just for Christmas.

In pre-Christian times, the term had Advent even more complete meaning. He also described the arrival of a senior official, such as a king or an emperor.

Advent season is of course traditionally the custom of the Advent calendar. It is one of the customs of Advent since the 19th century. Incidentally, advent calendars do not always have to be made of chocolate – there are also some original ideas for advent calendars done by oneself.

What is still celebrated during the season of Advent?

The time period from today 's Advent dates back to the 7th century. In the Roman church, it had pbaded between four and six Sundays before Advent given. Only Pope Gregory changed that and set the number of Sundays at four.

In his original idea, the four weeks also symbolized the 4000 years that people had to wait for after the fall of heaven for the Savior's arrival.

the first advent In addition, this announces not only the beginning of the Christmas season, but also the beginning of the new Catholic and Protestant liturgical year.

Where does the custom come from with the Advent wreath?

the Advent wreath was introduced in 1839 by Protestant-Lutheran theologian and educator Johann Hinrich Wichern. In Hamburg, he looked after children living in poverty, including the institution he had founded, the "Rauhen Haus".

The story of the crown: Because the kids were always asking when Christmas was finally here, Wichern built the first Advent wreath with a cartwheel and a wooden wreath. The Wichern Adventskranz consists of 20 small red candles and four large white candles – and then gives the children the orientation Yuletide,

The Advent wreath was created from this traditional wreath, made from green fir since about 1860.

How long does the advent season last?

It varies from year to year. Christians celebrate the longest period of Advent, when the first advent takes place on November 27: 28 days before Christmas. This year, the season of Advent with 23 days in total is therefore relatively short.

Once tuned: Last Christmas & Co. – these are the best Christmas carols.

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