First human in France infected with the virus Usutu – RT German


First human in France infected with the Usutu virus (icon image)

A first case of infection of a human by the Usutu virus has been reported in France. This is reported by the Russian Federal Service for Consumer Protection and Protection of Human Well-Being (Rospotrebnadsor). The person is a 30-year-old man, he was admitted to a clinic of Inserm research and development institute with facial paralysis, where the diagnosis was confirmed.

The Usutu virus appeared for the first time in Africa in 1959, according to the press agency RIA Novosti . It is transmitted by mosquitoes of sick birds and attacks the nervous system. The most common are sparrows, blackbirds, blackbirds and migratory birds.

More on this subject – West Nile Virus detected in mosquitoes in the Czech Republic

Since 1996, sporadic birds Switzerland, Spain, Belgium, Germany, Germany Austria, the Netherlands and France are all infected with the Usutu virus.

In the last two years, ten human cases of contagion have been recorded in Italy and three in Croatia. a contagion from another human.

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