Five smartphones are among the best in the world and cost less than $ 500


Google Pixel 3a XLThe Google Pixel 3a.Hollis Johnson / Business Insider

Smartphones are more expensive today than ever before. For example, while the starting price of the new Apple iPhone in 2016 was about 750 euros, one of the current models now costs more than 1,000 euros.

Android alternatives are not necessarily cheaper, at least for the best models of Samsung, LG, Google and others. The Samsung Galaxy S10 cost the launch 900 euros, the Google Pixel 3 about 850 euros.

However, this does not mean that you have to pay a price close to the 1,000 euro mark to get a good smartphone. If you are ready to give up some features or opt for an older model, several smartphone alternatives sometimes cost less than half of the current iPhone models.

We have selected five smartphones here, which in our opinion are among the top 20 devices and available at less than 500 euros.

Five smartphones are among the best in the world and cost less than $ 500

Smartphones are more expensive today than ever before …

Five smartphones are among the best in the world and cost less than $ 500

Smartphones, Google, Google Pixel 3a, Samsung, Apple, iPhone, iPhone 7, Android, Technology, Buying Guide, Browser Messaging

Five smartphones are among the best in the world and cost less than $ 500

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Smartphones are more expensive today than ever before. For example, while the starting price of the new Apple iPhone in 2016 was about 750 euros, one of the current models now costs more than 1,000 euros.
Android alternatives are not necessarily cheaper, at least for the best models of Samsung, LG, Google and others. The Samsung Galaxy S10 cost the launch 900 euros, the Google Pixel 3 about 850 euros.
However, this does not mean that you have to pay a price close to the 1,000 euro mark to get a good smartphone. If you are ready to give up some features or opt for an older model, several smartphone alternatives sometimes cost less than half of the current iPhone models.
We have selected five smartphones here, which in our opinion are among the top 20 devices and available at less than 500 euros.


Five smartphones are among the best in the world and cost less than $ 500

Smartphones are more expensive today than ever before …

Five smartphones are among the best in the world and cost less than $ 500

Smartphones, Google, Google Pixel 3a, Samsung, Apple, iPhone, iPhone 7, Android, Technology, Buying Guide, Browser Messaging

Five smartphones are among the best in the world and cost less than $ 500

2019-06-19T11: 21: 10 + 02: 00

2019-06-19T11: 24: 27 + 02: 00–und-kosten-weniger-als-500-euro.jpg


Smartphones are more expensive today than ever before. For example, while the starting price of the new Apple iPhone in 2016 was about 750 euros, one of the current models now costs more than 1,000 euros.
Android alternatives are not necessarily cheaper, at least for the best models of Samsung, LG, Google and others. The Samsung Galaxy S10 cost the launch 900 euros, the Google Pixel 3 about 850 euros.
However, this does not mean that you have to pay a price close to the 1,000 euro mark to get a good smartphone. If you are ready to give up some features or opt for an older model, several smartphone alternatives sometimes cost less than half of the current iPhone models.
We have selected five smartphones here, which in our opinion are among the top 20 devices and available at less than 500 euros.


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