As of: 29.11.2018 21:44

On the way to the G20 summit in Argentina, Chancellor Merkel had to turn around and intervene shortly afterwards: it was a technical flaw of the government machine.

Due to a technical defect of the government machine, Chancellor Angela Merkel had to momentarily interrupt her flight to get to the G20 summit in Buenos Aires.

After about an hour of flight, the Airbus "Konrad Adenauer" with the head of government and Vice-Chancellor Olaf Scholz on board about the Netherlands.

The fire department was ready at the airport

The captain informed the Chancellor and the journalists who accompanied him that they were no longer participating in the 15 hour flight to Argentina: Due to a technical problem, some Electrical systems of the aircraft were down.

The machine landed a little later in Cologne, where fire trucks were waiting for the detainees.

Delay at the G20 summit

The Cologne airport is the airport attached to the government aircraft. In addition, the remaining flight time to Cologne was lower than that of Berlin.

Merkel wants to get on a replacement plane and arrive late in Buenos Aires for the G20 summit.

Recently, the visit of Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier was delayed because of technical problems on his plane.

In the beginning