Food: glass bottle attack on a girl – racket condemnation – food



Feige glbad bottles attack girls in Essen: rackets sentenced to probation – with unusual requirements

Feiger Glasflasachen in the metro Viehofer Platz.

Feiger Glasflasachen in the metro Viehofer Platz.

Photo: Police Essen

Eat. Police searched with a shocking video eat In April, two young men who brutally attacked a girl (17 years old).

The footage from a surveillance camera showed how the unsuspecting 17-year-old man in the subway station Viehofer Platz a behind glbad bottle was shot on the head.

Attack of Feiger glbad bottles in Essen: rackets sentenced to probation

Under pressure from intensive human hunting, the perpetrators subsequently confronted the police and confessed to the crime. Now the glbad bottles-Schlager of Recklinghausen and his accomplice of Bergisch-Gladbach condemned.

The two children, aged 16, were sentenced to two years' imprisonment for attempted robbery and dangerous bodily injury. This brings back the "photo".


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These penalties are subject to strict conditions. According to this, both must go to a boarding school to make sure they finish their studies. Both must also do therapy.

The case (>> here all the information about it) shocked April 13 on the city limits of eat out. The victim's mother had to attend the live flight over the phone.

Attack of a glbad bottle in front of a CCTV camera on the go

The girl victim of the brutal glbad bottles– Attack a concussion – yet managed to defend against the attack and beat the two cowardly thieves in the escape

"A miracle that my daughter did not faint," says the father of the victim. Her daughter stayed at home for three days, avoiding long public spaces. With the subway, she could no longer drive, parents took her to school by car.

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