For example, retirees have a better chance of getting a loan from the bank


Renting series :
Thus, retirees have a better chance of getting a loan from the bank

  Pension series: Thus, retirees have a better chance of getting a loan from the bank

seniors on a walk. (Archives)
Photo: imago / Kickner / dpa

Dusseldorf Some banks are at risk of a 60 plus large borrower. A prejudice. First, it is also important here to consider the individual case, secondly, the elderly can often provide guarantees.

The longer a person has time to repay a loan, the lower the risk to the bank or savings bank that lends the loan. In contrast, seniors are more difficult to borrow if they want to. Of course, the houses of money would be far from that, and it certainly depends on the individual case. But experts still see the trend. According to Dieter Weirich, spokesman for the German Institute of Old Age Pensions in Berlin, "the complaints of elderly people who fail with their loan application to banks, increases in our opinion. Quite different than in the past, when 60-year-olds could buy real estate without a problem and later had a house without debts, but did not know what to live on. Today, the elderly are failing, although their risk is lower because their income, namely the pension, is guaranteed and they are no longer threatened by unemployment. As recently stated a representative of the banking sector: "There is no fundamental right to loans." As simple as it may be.

The increase in the number of complaints DIA surprisingly accompanies the fact that the Germans, according to the calculations of the credit agency Schufa more and more Take loans and the number of 39 borrowers increase 60 more. The reasoning of Schufa CEO Michael Freytag for this phenomenon: "People are living longer and longer and are still in shape". The retiree as a borrower is simply not the same retiree as the borrower. Conclusion: Older people are more likely to go shopping: cars, furniture, electronics. On average, the average credit in Germany is just over € 10,000

What should retirees have in mind when they want to borrow money from their bank?

Collateral The more guarantees there are, the greater the chances of credit. For example, if you need money to renovate your four walls, you can agree with the bank that a property tax will be registered in the land register.

Photo: Podtschaske

Borrower It is also advantageous to lend when you take out a loan for two and the other has your own income (for example, because it's still working) and also without Schufa L & Entrance is. This increases the solvency and gives you the opportunity to negotiate more advantageous interest rates

Term The shorter the term of a loan, the easier the bank gives money . It is rare for an institution to grant a loan of more than 75 years. And again, the shorter the term, the better the conditions that the borrower can negotiate for himself.

On the other hand, the rule in effect since the month of May under the directive on credit ratings real estate should be especially ensure that the borrower can provide long-term service. Means: Who in a real estate property buys half the price of buying equity and spends no more than 30% of his retirement income for credit, maintenance and upkeep, has a good chance as a retiree to obtain a loan. He must always have in mind that he has just enough money to fulfill his vacation dreams, to be able to buy a new car when the old one no longer wants, or to buy the new ones. necessary care of its savings. …

What pensioners, by the way, do not usually buy on the stock market, are shares. Once again, there is one cliché to eliminate, namely the pensioner, who has at best parked his savings on the booklet, in another fixed income investment, but avoids any risk. On the contrary: German retirees are a nation of shareholders. Retirees have invested an average of more than 70,000 euros in securities, as revealed by a direct banking study by ING Diba in its own circle of clients over the past year. Either in equity funds or in individual stocks, in which they seem to invest rather than exchange-traded exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

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