Forest fires out of control: German firefighters now help in Sweden


Stockholm –

The big forest fires in Sweden are still out of control, but many small fires have been erased by the emergency services. Monday afternoon, according to the emergency call center, 25 fires raged throughout the country, half of the weekend. Meanwhile, German firefighters are also helping – they face an exhausting week because things are supposed to get even hotter. The risk of new fires is extremely high, according to the meteorological service, especially in southern Sweden

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Ljusdal: The smoke rises from a forest. In the fierce forest fires in Sweden, the situation does not improve, on the contrary.

The 52 volunteer firefighters from Nienburg in Lower Saxony pitch their tents in Dalarna, one of the most affected areas a few hundred kilometers north of Stockholm. It is raging here four major fires, which no longer extinguish according to civil protection. We can only try to prevent them from spreading further. On Sunday, it had been well done, the rescuers had cleared the forest and the burned fields were being controlled so that the fire could not find new food.

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The Swedes would have gratefully accepted. SVT television station. In fact, the Germans in Älvdalen should help, so that the big fire will not spread anymore. But there, the situation of the forest fires intensified in a few hours so that all the forces were put in security. German firefighters were hijacked about 80 kilometers from Särna before arriving in the morning.

For several days, five German helicopters and their crews have been deployed in Scandinavia. Because the Swedes do not have their own planes and were not prepared for such fires, they asked for help in the EU. A total of seven aircraft, seven helicopters, 60 vehicles and 340 firemen from Italy, France, Germany, Lithuania, Denmark, Portugal, Poland and Austria were sent, announced the European Commission. in the Ljusdal district

The work of extinction is not without danger. On Sunday night, four Swedish firefighters had to be rescued by helicopter because they had been trapped by a sudden fire. Danish aides told the local radio that until now they had been able to prevent the spread of flames to a power station. But the danger has not been avoided.

On Sunday, it burned across Sweden on about 25,000 hectares of land – an area more than 70 times larger than Central Park in New York. The four largest fires in central Sweden are raging at 20,000 hectares. Rescuers badume that the fire will only be under control in a few weeks. Until the fires are completely extinguished, it could be already in 2019 and snow, said a spokesman for Swedish radio.

A new escalation possible

The situation could even get to the head this week. The weather service warns of extremely high temperatures of more than 30 degrees. Especially in the south of the country, the danger of fire is high. The civil protection has sent a message to all Swedes: "The risk of fire reaches extreme levels this week," said the agency. "The situation is extremely serious, we urge everyone to take responsibility and obey the local fire bans." Finally, barbecues and campfires were still on, which is currently very dangerous. (Dpa) [19659017] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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