Former employee raises serious fraud charges against Tesla


Tesla must incorporate defective and poorly processed batteries into its electric cars and indicate production figures up to 44% higher than they actually are. This insider news comes, according to reports from the "Bloomberg" press agency, from Martin Tripp. He is a former Tesla Process Engineer. Martin Tripp has since been fired by Tesla because he was charged with data theft, secret treason and deliberate commercial damage. The boss of Tesla Elon Musk sees the action of his former employee to avenge the fact that he has not been promoted, and vehemently denies the allegations.

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SEC pays a whistleblower millions of payments

Martin Tripp sees himself as a whistleblower, he only wanted to warn investors and the public. So he turned to the SEC with his information and insider tips. The US regulator rewards whistleblowers up to tens of millions of payments, provided the evidence results in a sanction from the company concerned. To date, $ 266 million in whistleblowers have been disbursed – since the year the program was launched in 2011.

Authorities Investigate Tesla Accidents

Criticisms of Tesla products are not uncommon. For a long time, the US safety agency investigated the flammability of lithium-ion batteries for electric cars and also examined several Tesla accidents. Tesla batteries would have set off fires again and again in the past. Tesla uses batteries with high performance cell chemistry, which are also cooled at high load; However, new battery systems from other manufacturers now have better cooling systems.

In the video: Elon Musk sells a flamethrower – and must warn users shortly after

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