France: color palette at the military parade in Paris


On Sunday, the French team Tricolore will participate in the final of the World Cup. The team could thrill an entire country with a victory against Croatia – a day after the French National Day this Saturday

In the largest military parade in the country, nearly 4,300 soldiers marched on the Champs-Elysees. Elysee – under the eyes of the head of state Emmanuel Macron and thousands of spectators.

During the spectacle of the magnificent boulevard, there were also 250 horses and 220 vehicles to see. During the crowd flew 64 aircraft, including a transport aircraft of the A400M Bundeswehr.

However, during a flight badignment, a color problem occurred: One of the nine aircraft, which were supposed to be smoke trails in the colors of the national flag, was loaded incorrectly. It emitted red instead of blue smoke.

On July 14, France commemorates the storming of the Bastille in 1789, considered the symbolic beginning of the French Revolution. The celebrations were overshadowed by the commemoration of the Nice attack, which was celebrated for the second time. On July 14, 2016, a murdered Islamist in the Mediterranean town drove a truck into the crowd and killed 86 people.

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