Freising / Bavaria: fog – a woman dies in an accident on the B301 road – the police turn to the population


Early Wednesday morning, a heavy truck accident occurred on the B301 near Zolling. A woman was killed. Now the police are looking for witnesses.

Heavy fog: fatal accident at Zolling

Updated: Wednesday, 3:33 pm

The fog was so thick that the police and rescue workers had to make their way up to the scene of the accident. Yesterday morning at 6 o'clock on the B 301, a maneuver overtaking led to the disaster. A 40-tonne truck struck a VW Lupo on B 301 near Haidhof, north of Zolling. The woman behind the wheel, a 40-year-old woman from Attenkirchen, died as a result of her injuries at the scene of the accident.

Neither she nor the truck driver, according to recent findings of the police responsible for the accident. It was a small column of probably four cars, which was there early in the morning in the thickest fog on the main road leading to Freising. According to the police, the 19-year-old driver of a BMW over 300 hp pbaded third place in the curve, when she met the 40-tonne brick loader.

Deadly accident in Zolling: a truck crashes into a thick fog in a small car

The disaster followed its course: the young woman drove her car to the right and drove it alongside her 56-year-old Mainburger, with her VW Caddy in the ditch. Nevertheless, she then collided frontally with the truck, which was unable to maneuver after the impact. The 40 tons moved to the left and forcefully hit the last car of the column, a VW Lupo. The 40-year-old driving the small car was fatally injured. She had not participated in the overtaking process. The cause of the accident, the truck driver and the cadet were slightly injured. Total damages: 75,000 euros.

The B 301 was completely closed until 16 hours until the accident site was measured and cleared. The recovery of the truck, which was after the accident in the adjacent meadow, was also developed. The tank of the truck was torn during the accident, resulting in the leakage of several hundred liters of diesel. An appraiser was asked for the registration of the accident. survey

First report: a woman dies in an accident on B301 in Zolling

Zolling – During a serious road accident on the B301 between Zolling and Attenkirchen, a person was fatally injured Wednesday morning, police said. According to initial findings, there would have been a frontal collision between a truck and a car in the direction of Freising shortly after 6 o'clock, following a pbading at Haidhof in thick fog. The driver of the car died at the scene of the accident.

Currently, the B301 is closed in this area for the registration of accidents and rescue operations. Traffic is redirected. The tank of the truck was torn and several hundred liters of diesel sank. An appraiser was asked for the registration of the accident.

Deadly accident in Zolling: urgent call from a police witness

According to the findings of the Freisinger police, there should be more witnesses to the overtaking process immediately before the accident, shortly after 6 o'clock. These people are urged to call the police in Freising in person or by phone at 08161/53050.

More information will follow.

Front-end collision between truck and car on the B301 in Zolling: the images

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