Friborg: Police search for a tenth offender for gang rape – Stuttgart


Friborg – Following the arrest of a ninth suspect in the case of mbad rape in Freiburg, the police search for the tenth alleged perpetrator. To this end, investigators are evaluating more evidence and clues.

The investigation group "Club" with 13 officials, which was founded after the crime about a month and a half ago, will remain unchanged, said a spokesman for the police in Freiburg. In addition, specialists from the National Office of Criminal Investigation (LKA) worked in the laboratory on the evaluation of the tracks.

Main objectives: to obtain evidence and identify the tenth suspected suspect still unknown.

In mid-October, an 18-year-old girl was raped in Freiburg (Baden-Württemberg) after a nightclub visit of at least ten men. Eight suspects were arrested in the days following the crime – seven Syrians aged 19 to 29 and a 25-year-old German with no migration background.

Last Thursday, the arrest of an 18-year-old Syrian man followed. The nine men are in detention.

The investigators are always looking for another unknown man. Body marks of him had been found on the victim's clothes. The comparison with pan-European databases in which suspects could be stored has yielded no results, the spokeswoman said. Police continue to work to find the unknown.

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