From Leyen to the asylum compromise: "Looked into the abyss"



  Relieved after the compromise? Von der Leyen, Merkel and Seehofer in the Bundestag

Relieved after the compromise? Von der Leyen, Merkel and Seehofer in the Bundestag (Photo: REUTERS)

Saturday 07 July 2018

The Union of the CDU and the CSU was almost destroyed by the theme of migration. This is how the Minister of Defense von der Leyen describes it. Nevertheless, she believes that Chancellor Merkel and Interior Minister Seehofer can still work together.

Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen considers the accommodation compromise between the CDU and the CSU as a directional decision. "We both looked in the depths," the CDU vice president told press from the Funke press group about the extent to which the EU is reducing the divide. "Essentially, it was whether we wanted to find solutions alone or together in Europe, and this question was clearly decided." There is a deep conviction in the Union that "we are the European party". Interior Minister Horst Seehofer and CSU demanded an individual national effort in the fierce conflict over the rejection of migrants at the German border, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) insisted on a European solution. During the conflict, Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) declared that the era of "orderly multilateralism" was coming to an end. Among other things, the compromise provides that repatriation agreements must be agreed with the EU countries responsible.

Von der Leyen showed that many people were skeptical that Merkel and Seehofer are still working together on "the intensity of the conflict". could. But: "Angela Merkel and Horst Seehofer are absolute professionals, and they know that even if you do not agree, you still have to find a solution in the interest of the common cause." The CDU and the CSU should now prove by acts, "that this fight was worth it." [19659909] More information on the subject

Von der Leyen expressed confidence that other European states agree to take back their registered refugees, Greece will give the example for the new transit procedure: " We want to reach an agreement with the Greeks by the end of the month, "she said. Italy was also eager to act in Europe. "Because Italians want help in return." Italy has faced much of the migration for years. "European solidarity remains important for anyone who reigns in Rome."


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