Fruits and vegetables are more and more happy


Increase in the well-being and satisfaction of life thanks to many fruits and vegetables

If you eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, you not only improve your physical health, but you also improve your psychological well-being. This is the conclusion of a new study conducted in the United Kingdom.

Healthy food

Health experts recommend eating at least five to ten servings of fruits and vegetables a day. This provides your body with essential vitamins and minerals and thus protects against diseases. In addition, such foods can make us happy, as Australian scientists have reported years ago. British researchers came to similar conclusions in a new study.

According to a new study, high consumption of fruits and vegetables increases mental well-being. (Image: travelbook /

Positive influence on well-being

It has been known for some time that our daily diet has a significant impact on our health.

For example, high consumption of fruits and vegetables can increase satisfaction and well-being, as reported by British doctors years ago.

English researchers have reached similar conclusions. According to their study published in the journal "Social Science and Medicine", eating more fruits and vegetables can improve mental well-being.

Changes in fruit and vegetable consumption

Researchers at the University of Leeds and the University of York have found in a long-term study that changes in fruit and vegetable consumption have an impact on mental well-being.

To reach their conclusions, researchers badyzed data from more than 40,000 people in the UK.

Participants in the study were asked to provide regular information on their eating habits, as well as information on their mental state. They used a standard test to rate their feelings and concerns on a scale of 0 to 3.

The researchers also examined other factors that may influence mental well-being, such as age, educational level, income, marital status, professional status, lifestyle and health, as well as the consumption of other foods such as bread or dairy products.

Already an extra serving a day works

As reported by both universities, the study found a positive correlation between the amount of fruit and vegetables consumed and the mental well-being reported by individuals.

In particular, the results show that consuming one extra serving of fruit and vegetables a day can have a similar effect on mental well-being compared to an additional eight days of walking per month.

"Although additional efforts are needed to demonstrate the cause and effect, the results are clear: people who consume more fruits and vegetables report higher levels of mental well-being and satisfaction than those who eat less, "said Dr. Neel Ocean of the University of Leeds in a statement.

Promote better eating habits

"There seems to be some evidence of the psychological benefits of fruits and vegetables," said Dr. Peter Howley of the University of Leeds.

However, not only in the UK, a large portion of the population still consumes less than the recommended five servings a day.

"Promoting better eating habits can not only be beneficial to your physical health in the long run, but also improve mental well-being in the short term," said Dr. Howley.

The research is based on previous work in Australia and New Zealand, which showed a link between nutrition and mental well-being. This could now be verified on the basis of a much larger sample of the UK.

However, the German Federal Center for Nutrition (BZfE) stresses in a communication that it must be borne in mind that pure observational studies can not prove cause-and-effect relationships.

According to researchers, some ingredients of plant-based foods would have a positive effect on the soul. For example, antioxidants and complex carbohydrate breakdown products could affect the brain and improve mood.

However, it is also possible that the high consumption of unhealthy fruits and vegetables is consumed less frequently. (Ad)

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