Fulda: News – A big fire at Hersfelder Kreisanzeiger – Photos


Bad Hersfeld (oz / tg) – High flames and cloud of dark smoke: A building fire took place on Monday afternoon at 17:15 at Kreisanzeiger at Benno-Schilde-Strbade 2 in Bad Hersfeld (update 18:30) . Pbadersby noticed the fire from outside, saw flames leaking from the roof, immediately alerted the fire department and warned the staff in the building. The fire alarm system is also triggered. Quickly, a column of tall, dark smoke could be seen over the city. When the firefighters arrived, half of the roof of the building was already in full fire. With the help of the aerial ladder, the flames could extinguish quickly, but the extinction lasted almost an hour. A room was damaged near the roof.

The employees had left the building exemplary, so no one was hurt. The cause of the fire and the amount of damage are still not clear. The criminal police started the investigation.

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