G20 Finance Ministers Discuss Work and Trade | TIME ONLINE


Buenos Aires (dpa) – In the middle of the trade dispute between the United States, China and the EU, the finance ministers and central bankers of the major industrialized and emerging economies gather in Buenos Aires Aires.

Besides official issues such as the future of work and infrastructure improvements, the G20 meeting of today and tomorrow in the Argentine capital should also focus on world trade and the regulation of cryptocurrencies.

"We are concerned that the trade dispute will continue to worsen," said Friday the President of the Swiss National Bank, Thomas Jordan. "Switzerland wants to strengthen free and fair trade so that the market is fair for all open economies". His country participates as a guest at the meeting G20 .
In addition to Federal Finance Minister Olaf Scholz, US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Chinese Finance Minister Liu Kun, IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde
World Bank President Jim Yong Kim and the Secretary General of the OECD. José Ángel Gurría to attend the conference.

Lagarde met with Argentine President Mauricio Macri, Finance Minister Nicolás Dujovne and Central Bank President Luis Caputo before Friday's conference. The IMF has recently pledged $ 30 billion in aid to the South American country. In return, the government is committed to reducing the budget deficit and slowing down inflation.

"The IMF supports the Argentine government's reform plans," Lagarde wrote after the meetings on Twitter. In Argentina, the loan raises important reservations, the IMF being mainly related to the severe austerity measures and social upheavals of the 2000s. On Saturday, demonstrations were planned in Buenos Aires.

The G20 accounts for 85% of global economic output, accounting for two-thirds of the world's population and managing 75% of world trade.

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