"Game of Thrones": soap star Bela Klentze mixes with Mega – TV series


He kept this role of his fans.

Since 2016, Bela Klentze (30 years old) is part of the team "Alles was zählt" (Monday to Friday at 19:05, RTL). What no one knew yet: For the hit series "Game of Thrones", the soap star spoke in the fifth and sixth season of three different secondary roles, including a slave driver.

Bela Klentze at BILD: "I've been doing synchronous work for eight years, and as far as content goes, I really can not really get ready, because you'll have the script on hand, you'll see the episode, and then you'll have to talk. It's pretty difficult because you have to get to the goal in no time. "

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Photo: Henning Kaiser / picture-alliance

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Bela Klentze (right) with her colleagues from "Alles was zählt", Tijan Njie, Franziska Benz, Tatjana Clasing, Ania Niedieck and Silvan-Pierre Leirich (from the left)Photo: Henning Kaiser / picture-alliance

And how do you speak several voices in one season? Bela Klentze: "I change my voice, I've always been good at it."

Due to lack of time, Klentze has until now only seen the first season "Game of Thrones". Well, he finds it anyway. He: "The series is fantastic and the global success speaks for itself.It was great fun." Despite the success of the series, Klentze has a favorite voice. He: "My best role in the main role was in the animated series" The Heroic Legend of Arslan ", entitled Gieve, we are waiting for the start for the third season."

The other seasons of "Game of Thrones", he can still catch up. Maybe with his new friend Anne-Marie Kot (28 years old). The actor and the triple pole dance world champion (in 2016 at "super talent") got acquainted behind the scenes of "Team Ninja Warrior Germany", form a couple since June. On Monday, they were together at the exhibition "Game of Thrones" in Oberhausen.

For the eighth and final season of "Game of Thrones", Bela Klentze will not be in the dubbing studio. At the time of synchronization, the actor had been trained for "Let's Dance" and was parallel to "All That Matters" in front of the camera.

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