Gasleck prevents firefighting near Dreieck Potsdam – Berlin – Breaking News



Gasleck prevents the fight against fires near Dreieck Potsdam

Fichtenwalde. Due to a leak in a gas pipe not far from the forest fire at the Potsdam interchange, firefighting work had to be interrupted on Saturday morning, announced Kai Uwe Schwinzert , spokesman for the district of Potsdam-Mittelmark. This was only a minor leak in a station to increase the gas pressure. "But we still had to block the entire Potsdam motorway interchange, namely both the A9 and the A10," Schwinzert said. The result was kilometers of congestion in all directions.

Fichtenwalde's evacuation was imminent

"This seemed pretty good for us early in the morning," said the county spokesman. The firefighters had mastered the wildfire that had broken out on Thursday afternoon and had largely extinguished it. But then the gas leak – "and that kept us a little breath," said Schwinzert. Indeed, in addition to the closure of the motorway, the evacuation of some neighborhoods north of Beelitz-Fichtenwalde has been prepared. "There are already vehicles circulating in the affected neighborhoods that have called loudspeakers to leave the apartments," Schwinzert said.

But the good news: the company called for help. Even the junction of Potsdam highway could be opened after only one hour. Subsequently, the 180 firefighters, who were not allowed to continue to suppress during the closure of the leak for safety reasons, returned to work. With armored vehicles, they have since moved into the 90-hectare forest fire zone to systematically extinguish the remaining remaining embers.

There was also good news from Jüterbog (District of Teltow-Fläming). It was Thursday in a military training area, a major fire broke out. "But this is considered over," said a spokesman for the Brandenburg Police Headquarters. The extinguishing work proved more complicated here, because due to suspected contaminated sites entering the area was too dangerous. First of all, it had to be extinguished

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