Gaza Strip: Hamas announces a ceasefire with Israel


Following Israeli airstrikes on Gaza Strip targets, Hamas announced a ceasefire. A spokesman said that this had been achieved through the mediation of Egypt and the UN

Hours after the escalation of violence in the Gaza Strip, Hamas Radical Islamic and Israel agreed on a ceasefire. With the support of Egypt and the United Nations, both sides agreed on a "return to the former state of calm," said Hamas spokesman Fausi Barhum [19659003]. but had no stock. An Israeli army spokeswoman in Tel Aviv said she could not comment on political issues. At present, however, there are no more attacks on the Israeli side.

Deadly shooting against Israeli soldiers

The conflict escalated dangerously again on Friday. After deadly blasts of Palestinian militants on the border with a soldier, the Israeli army attacked many targets in the Gaza Strip with combat jets and tanks.

At least four Palestinians were killed in the southern part of the coastal strip. According to the military arm of Hamas, three of those killed were members of the organization.

Explosions in Gaza

reported several serious explosions in Gaza City. The Israeli Air Force attacked Hamas military posts. The Israeli army has confirmed "a large-scale attack by Israeli fighters against Hamas military targets throughout the Gaza Strip." Fifteen targets in the headquarters of a Hamas battalion in Saitun were hit in the northern Gaza Strip.

Nickolaj Mladenov, United Nations envoy to the Middle East, recently wrote a dramatic call to Twitter: "Everyone in Gaza must step back from the abyss, not next week, not tomorrow, now!" Those who "want to provoke Palestinians and Israelis to wage another war must not succeed," Mladenov wrote.

Palestinian militants firing grenades

According to media reports, Palestinian militants fired several rockets and mortar shells into Israeli territory, residents of the Gaza Strip were called to be nearby shelters

Demonstrations took place again along the Gaza border. According to eyewitnesses, the Palestinians burned tires, attempted to damage the border fence with Israel and sent fire-dragons and balloons into Israeli territory. According to the paramedics, several Palestinians were wounded by Israeli gunfire.

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