Georg Gänswein: Crossing the Bishop's Border in the Schumacher Affair


Formula 1 Georg Gänswein

Border crossing of the bishop in the Schumacher case

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Simon Pausch

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These are the achievements of Michael Schumacher

Michael Schumacher is the greatest Formula One driver of all time. On January 3rd, the world record champion was 49 years old. We return to the great successes of the legend of motorsport.

Two years ago Georg Gänswein visited Michael Schumacher and prayed for him. The Pope's confidant describes in detail the health status of the Formula One icon. A single incident.

SFor about four years now, the Schumacher family has been pursuing a clear communication strategy: nothing will be publicly revealed about the specific consequences of the ski accident, in which the record-breaking Formula 1 champion, Michael Schumacher, was seriously injured to head on December 29, 2013. "Every sentence is the trigger for new requests, every word is faneal for more information.This would never be silent," said director Sabine Kehm once again at this public silence. This strategy is being undermined by a German archbishop.

In the summer of 2016, Georg Gänswein visited the family in Switzerland at the invitation of Schumacher's close friend and President of the World Automobile Federation (FIA), Jean Todt. The prefect of the papal house betrayed the first of the "colorful" of this meeting. In the picture, he added: "That my visit was known is good. But I would never say anything private, familiar. "Gänswein does not seem to take this very seriously with this statement, because it does just that: Such indiscretions did not exist in Schumacher's case for a long time.

The boy is ecstatic in front of the Pope – and next to him is Archbishop Georg Gänswein

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Bishop Archbishop Georg Gänswein speaks with wonder of his visit to Michael Schumacher. Here you can see him next to Pope Francis in an unusual audience.

The descriptions of his stay at the villa allow to draw conclusions about the health of the seven-time world champion in 2016. Gänswein pronounces such phrases as: "We feel that he perceives the encounters, that he has a You can feel that the closeness of his family is important to him. "

"The hands were hot"

Elsewhere, the 62-year-old explains why he did not pray with Schumacher: "It was too much for me because I could not know if he would like it." Until today, Gänswein prays for the 49-year-old man and his family. He promised goodbye, he said.

At the beginning of his visit, "a therapist brought Michael Schumacher into the living room". Gänswein, who is called the "secret fan" of the runner, introduced himself and held the hands of former Ferrari driver: "They were hot."

Pope Francis Wednesday General Audience - October 17, 2018

Georg Gänswein was Schumacher's most indiscreet visitor to date

Source: pa / / Evandro Inetti

Gänswein also said in an interview with the "Bunte": "His face is, as we all know, the typical face of Michael Schumacher, it is a glimpse of the private life of the Schumacher, who has always kept for himself other visitors from Todt to family members.

Hearings with the Pope

Gänswein, whom Schumacher had never met before, is the highest-ranking German Vatican. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger appointed him to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in 1996. When Ratzinger was elected Pope in 2005, he appointed the representative of the Black Forest, his private secretary. A little later, he received the honorary title of "Chapelain of His Holiness". Also on the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI. In addition, Gänswein remained at his side as secretary. In addition, he is still prefect of the papal house of Francis.

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Jean Todt

According to the "colorful", he gave Corinna Schumacher, his mother and children in 2017 an audience with the pope. Even the Catholic Michael Schumacher had received several times with Pope John Paul II at the time.

Last year, Gänswein was invited to the inauguration of the Schumacher exhibition in Cologne. He poses arm in arm with Corinna Schumacher on souvenir photos.

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