Gerhard Schröder prepares fried potatoes for his wife


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  Gerhard Schröder and Soyeon Kim   Gerhard Schröder and Soyeon Kim

Gerhard Schröder and his Korean wife Soyeon Kim (r) are in the stands. Photo: Christian Charisius / Archives

Source: dpa-infocom GmbH

S Eul / Hannover (dpa) – Ex-Chancellor Gerhard Schröder (74) cooks his South Korean wife with fried potatoes. On the other hand, he has problems with some Korean dishes, says Soyeon Kim, 48, of Bunte magazine (Thursday: kimchi – fermented Chinese cabbage with hot sauce, which Koreans eat at every meal – that 's what it is like. he finds "terrible".) For potatoes, Schröder "C is well on Gerhard's part," says the Korean magazine and admits: "Since I'm with Gerhard, I've won three and a half pounds. " She liked German cuisine.

In May, they got married in Seoul, and when asked if she had a problem with the SPD's fifth wife, she said, "No. Why, he's doing everything for me – and me for him . " He read his poems by Goethe, Rilke and Schiller, she loves his spontaneous style: "He can quote Hamlet out of prison, and that's what I admire about my husband."

between Germany and Germany from Seoul and often lives in separate space. She works as an interpreter and for the Economic Development Corporation of North Rhine-Westphalia she has also translated for Chancellor Angela Merkel and former President Christian Wulff. "The good thing is that we know the same people, regardless of each other," Soyeon Kim said in an interview. "It was obvious that we had to get to know each other at an economic conference, so it happened then."

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