German flight prices dropped


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  Fees   Fees

June bonds in Germany were 4.3% lower on average than those of the same month last year. Photo: Frank Rumpenhorst

Source: dpa-infocom GmbH

The price increases after the bankruptcy of Air Berlin have caused dissatisfaction for pbadengers. In the meantime, there is good news for travelers – but not without exception.

W iesbaden / Frankfurt (dpa) – After price increases in autumn and winter, travelers from German airports can again withdraw cheaper

According to data from the Federal Office Cut statistics by 4.3 percent cheaper. On flights in Europe, return flights cost 2.5% and intercontinental routes 5.3% less. It was cheaper, especially in economy clbad.

In some cases, however, a ticket costs more than last year. "On the roads where an airline has a monopoly, it is still priced," said Felix Methmann of the Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband.

The Wiesbaden Authority evaluates scheduled flights on about 120 routes departing from German airports. Package travel flights are not registered. According to data from statisticians, especially domestic connections after the departure of Air Berlin last fall have become more expensive compared with the previous year. There were first drops for this year's spring.

The Bundeskartellamt also reached similar conclusions after evaluating 56,000 individual vouchers. According to this, Lufthansa airline tickets on domestic flights in the fall of 2017 cost on average 25 to 30% more than a year ago. Part of the price increase was due to the sharp drop in space after the bankruptcy of Air Berlin, the competition watch recently said. This would have resulted in higher prices even in intact competition. After Easyjet had taken over some parts of Air Berlin, the prices on the corresponding routes had dropped again immediately.

Lufthansa pointed out that the capacity gap in German domestic air traffic was now closed. The fierce competition is driving down prices, said a spokesman for Lufthansa. Lufthansa's subsidiary, Eurowings, has a significant share in increasing capacity, as well as foreign airlines such as Easyjet.

According to the German Aerospace Center (DLR), the total number of regular and scheduled flights taking off the increase from last year compared with the same month last year. In June, the most was 4.0%

According to data from the Wiesbaden Authority, air fares on intra-German routes, despite fluctuations since 2010, have barely changed. This shows how much competition is strong, the statisticians explained. The total price, including supplements, such as airport fees, is badessed.

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