German politicians react with US right-wing populist Steve Bannon


German politicians want to proactively oppose right-wing American populist Steve Bannon with his plans to support like-minded parties in the 2019 election campaign in Europe.

"We must fight now, with good arguments, with badurance and honesty," said the European Minister for Foreign Affairs, Michael Roth (SPD), the "World".

Europe should not be afraid of nationalists The campaigns that Mr. Bannon intends to bring to Europe's knees, our values ​​are stronger than his hatred and his lies. "

Bannon's plans for a founding in Europe are" taken seriously "by European politician CSU Florian Hahn, now" defending against any inadmissible electoral influence from the outside, "said the door – political parity of the parliamentary group CDU / CSU

joining Carsten Schneider, parliamentary director of the SPD parliamentary group, his reaction to the Bannon initiative., "The fact that Bannon also wishes to cooperate with Viktor Orbán, a friend of the CSU, highlights the state of the Union, "said Mr. Schneider.Now it is all the more important to make good policy.

" We must remove the breeding ground for populists across Europe in solving the problems that really haunt people, "said Schneider." The key to this "is" European cooperation "in many areas. advertise aggressively and not let r the debate to the nationalists ". For "populism and nationalism would plunge the EU into chaos."

Bannon, former advisor to US President Donald Trump and figurehead of many right-wing extremists in the United States, wants a report from The Daily Beast newspaper before the 2019 European elections to launch a "right-wing populist revolt."

The goal is to form a "right-wing populist supergroup" in the European Parliament, which should comprise up to one-third of its deputies. With a foundation called "The Movement", he also wanted to make the connection between the right-wing populist groups in Europe and the Trump-affiliated Freedom Caucus group.

Macron seeks Liberal partner for a new faction in the European Parliament

Not only right-wing extremists and right-wing populists stand before the 2019 European elections: French President Emmanuel Macron is also looking for European partners for his liberal party "The Republic on the Move". Macron apparently plans to form his own group after the European elections in the European Parliament.

He also talks to the German FDP. Their party leader, Christian Lindner, said Sunday that they were addressing Macron. "In our European Liberal Party, we are talking with the Spanish Ciudadanos and also with Mr Macron's party," Lindner told ZDF.

Lindner is in Madrid on Monday to speak with the management of Ciudadanos. There could be an agreement for further development of the euro area without the need to communitise risks, debts and finances.

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