Germany, Austria and Italy have adjourned the asylum dispute | TIME ONLINE


Germany, Austria and Italy reaffirmed their willingness to cooperate in refugee policy. Austrian Interior Minister Herbert Kickl said after a meeting with his counterparts in Innsbruck that "volunteer cooperation" should become "badet cooperation". In an area where there had been a lot of disorder for too long, they wanted to "tidy up". In the future, it should no longer be possible to enter the European soil "if you have no right to protection". Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer also expressed confidence.

He has "a little bit of optimism that we can successfully solve internal migration together," said Seehofer . But it would be difficult conversations because of the complexity. He had a good conversation with the goal "that we want to create order in the migration policy on the one hand and on the other hand to ensure humanity". The three ministers discussed an informal meeting of EU ministers of the interior.

Seehofer needs an agreement with Italy

According to Seehofer, there is an agreement between the three countries for the external border of Europe to be effectively protected "so that we do not leave the question of who supports the traffickers ". This is the task of democratically elected governments. "It unites us totally," said Seehofer. European solutions are always the best answer. But they must also be effective. Therefore, as a general rule: "The least common Europeans succeed, the most important national measures become".

The Berlin coalition had agreed that refugees who had already applied for asylum in other countries would be returned to their respective neighboring countries, such as Italy and Greece. However, this requires agreements with the other states that Seehofer has to negotiate. According to Seehofer and Kickl, employees from all three countries want to exchange technical questions in Vienna on 19 July. "We all know that it's still a herculean task in operational implementation," said Seehofer. The day before, after meeting Salvini, he said that an agreement with Italy would be reached in July. "But if it lasts a few days in August, then that should not be missed."

Italy insists on the external border guards

Seehofer said that if it does not effectively protect the external borders, fight the causes of flight out of Europe and form " landing platforms "fail to solve internal problems.

Salvini was convinced that if arrivals to Europe decreased, there would be no problem with the internal borders of the Union. "If the big problem of primary arrivals is resolved, the remaining problems are minimal," said the leader of the far right Lega. Italy, Germany and Austria could show the way as a grbadroots group to give a positive impetus in Europe to the granting of l 39; asylum to the minority of refugees who have really fled the war. The arrivals of thousands of people who do not flee the war must be stopped.

Kickl also commented on the EU's planned landing platforms for the accommodation of refugees in North Africa. He does not understand why "everyone here is always so pessimistic". There is a "clear expectation" in the population. "So we only do what people expect of us."

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