"Germany mourns the blood": challenge to the deportation of bin Laden's bodyguard, Sami A.



Why NRW Refugee Minister Joachim Stamp wanted to get rid of the author Sami A. as soon as possible.

By Kirsten Bialdiga, 21.07.2018

The minister remains calm. The vice-faction of the SPD, Sven Wolf, has just threatened to denounce him. He accused Joachim Stamp (FDP) of breaking the law, triggered a constitutional crisis, despised the separation of powers and, at the very end, even self-determination. But the Minister of Refugees of North Rhine-Westphalia remains calm: "You have already reported to the Federal Minister of the Interior, you can also calm me," he replied.

Stamp knows the situation very well. He knows what questions an opposition asks to clear up a case. And he knows what questions an opposition raises above all to beat the political capital of something. The case of the Tunisian threat deported Sami A. offers in both respects a sufficient surface of attack.

The SPD, the Greens and the AFD are calling this Friday to the state parliament the Minister's Lights. They want to know how Sami A. could be deported to Tunisia. Although the Administrative Court of Gelsenkirchen has recently decided by an urgent decision that he was to stay in Germany due to possible torture. However, this decision was only transmitted Friday morning, while the plane with A. was already on the way.

The minister restrains him against what every politician can only risk once: his personal credibility. It has endeavored to ensure that the transfer of Sami A. to the Tunisian authorities is fully in accordance with the law. "I take full responsibility for this," says Stamp.

The Deputy Prime Minister pursues a multi-pronged strategy during the joint session of the Legislative and Integration Committees of the Landtag. He explains in detail how dangerous Sami A. is. In 1997, the author had legally entered Germany for study purposes.

In the years 1999 and 2000, he allegedly received military training and allegedly belonged to the bodyguard of Osama bin Laden. The Higher Administrative Court of Münster considered that this had been proven in 2015 and stated that this constituted a serious danger to public safety. This Sami A. tried to hide by the legend of a religious education.

"deserved punishment" for the victims of terrorism

Later, he described the victims of the ISIS attack on the Berlin Christmas market as a "deserved punishment", says Stamp. He told a witness that Germany would cry when he was deported. When Sami A. waited for his return to Tunisia in the Büren detention center, there were numerous requests for visits from extremist circles, according to Tim. Even violations of the reporting requirements had occurred – the cell phone that he had turned off often.

In detail, the minister describes these links, and the subtext reads: In the end, it is true that Sami A. is abroad. But this issue is not in the state parliament today. But whether the deportation was legal or if in the haste to expel the author as quickly as possible – or as Stamp calls it, "quickly and discreetly" – was violated against a prescription of the court and therefore against constitutional principles.

There is a question in the center. Stefan Engstfeld, legal expert of the Greens, told the Bundestag: "Why the administrative court of Gelsenkirchen has not been informed of the imminent expulsion?" In particular, the communication between the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bamf) and the NRW Ministry, Family, Refugees and Integration (MKFFI) should be emphasized: "Does not MKFFI have told Bamf that a charter flight had been ordered for deportation? Or did the MKFFI tell Bamf and the Bamf omitted from the court? "

True Answer

The stamp responds as follows:" We included the federal police, we were not obliged to include the Bamf, and Administrative Court Gelsenkirchen was in the case not our interlocutor . "The Bamf had asked only in the ministry, if the previous flight on 12.7 had been canceled – and that the ministry answered frankly yes." We were not aiming to foil a court, "said Stamp, but to bring out a

It is obvious that Stamp's ministry should not include the Bamf, but it has not yet been clarified.In legal circles, it is said that although he There is no obligation to such information, but this is consistent with the current practice of states to involve the Bamf in such a case accordingly.

This is exactly where it is. Stamp's strategy comes in. The minister says that from a procedural point of view, Sami A. is not just a common case, but a very special case.

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