Starting from: 30.11.2018 00:00 hours

If this goes against supporters of the CDU, "AKK" Merz and Spahn have long since applied for the presidency of the CDU. This benefits strongly ARD Germany Trend also the voting numbers of the Union.

Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer remains in the lead of the competition for the succession of Angela Merkel: among the supporters of the CDU, according to the ARDtrend Germany On behalf of the morning magazine, 48% of respondents "AKK" as the new party chairman. 35% are therefore for the former president of the parliamentary group Friedrich Merz, only 2% choose the Federal Minister of Health, Jens Spahn.

Of the total number of Germans, the result is similar: 39% trust the Secretary General. 26% of respondents are in favor of Merz and 9% of Jens Spahn.

The race within the party that followed in the footsteps of Angela Merkel, evaluated at 55%, was positive for more than half of the respondents. Even among the supporters of the CDU, 72% welcome the competition, which will be decided at the CDU party conference in Hamburg on 7 December.


ARD Germany Trend in the morning magazine

The Union continues to be the strongest party

If the Sunday election in the Bundestag would take place, the Union would represent 28% of the vote. The second most powerful force would be the Greens with 21%.

For the SPD, 14% of respondents would decide, which would bring the coalition of Social Democrats and the CDU / CSU to 42%.

The AfD received 15% of the vote, the FDP 9% and the left 8%.

Design of the study

population: Voters in Germany
sample: Representative random selection / double frame (fixed and mobile sample)
Suspension system: Telephone interviews (CATI)
Sample size: 1052 voters
Reference period: November 27 to 28, 2018
weighting: according to socio-demographic characteristics
Fault tolerance: 1.4 * to 3.1 ** percentage points
Implementing Institute: Dimap Infratest

* with a share of 5% ** and a share value of 50%

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